Sam Freeman

Storytelling | Theatre | Arts Marketing

Category: Other

  • Marketing DIY: Intermediate Heat Mapping (Genre)

    In the last Marketing DIY post (here) we talked about how you can do a basic heat mapping of your auditorium. We took basic data contained within your database to look at how long prior to booking people actually booked their tickets, used this as a basic measure of demand and then mapped it using conditional…

  • Audience Agency – Digital Marketing Workshop

    Audience Agency – Digital Marketing Workshop

    ***Warning: Arts Marketing Blog Post – Updated Live – Press F5 to refresh *** Today I attended an Audience Agency workshop at FACT (great biscuits) on Digital Marketing particularly looking at facebook, twitter and adwords ROI. Here are my notes! Facebook Paid ads is to supplement organic viewing of page posts – generally sales posts are…

  • A Scratch Night

    A Scratch Night

    I’ve always had a bit of a weird relationship with theatre I think. When I was first getting into it I wanted, like many, to be an actor, to claim the limelight and let it wrap around me smothering my insecurities. Unfortunately it didn’t quite work like that, turned out that I couldn’t learn lines…

  • Democracy: Vote Sam Freeman

    Democracy: Vote Sam Freeman

    I recently started writing a play about party politics – it was loosely based around a man going from idealized outsider to the leader who compromises his morals – a little like A Small Family Business but with more multi-roles, smaller cast and a darker more sinister ending. Starting the writing (and that’s as far as I…

  • Film Review: Birdman

    Film Review: Birdman

    Jean Claude Van Damme doesn’t feature in Birdman, but after watching this superb piece of contemporary film making I found myself pondering the old karate veteran. My knowledge of Van Damme’s films was, I’ll admit, limited. There was Last Action Hero, TimeCop and, the most influential film for me (thanks mostly to Kylie’s appearance) as a pubescent boy…

  • A Year Of Comedy, Theatre, Weddings & Houses

    Another year has almost passed and with it another vial of my youth is lost to the ravages of time, my hairline has moved back 3mm (I measured) and my ability to walk up steps without getting out of breath or feeling sick has diminished. I always think it’s quite interesting that people make a…

  • Seeing the trees

    “Sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees” As my last blog post probably hinted at I’ve had a somewhat galling month or so. A couple of bits I can’t go into detail about on here (although I will later this week) and then some bits I can – mostly the stand up and…

  • Edinburgh 2014

    Edinburgh 2014

    This is my fourth year of coming up to Edinburgh and seeing shows and I’ve got in the habit of popping up little reviews and reporting on my time up here. It’s been a weird one, firstly I’m more a performer than in the past (although still just doing 2 shows) and secondly my taste…