Sam Freeman

Storytelling | Theatre | Arts Marketing

A New Storytelling Show

Over the last 6 months I’ve been writing, creating and then filming a new storytelling show. If you saw my last show Every Little Hope You Ever Dreamed (But Didn’t Want To Mention) then the style and feel will be familiar. The story however is a bit different.

I wanted to try something a bit different – the last one was essentially a rom-com with a dollop of meta theatre all the way through it. It was romantic first and then comedy second – designed to irritate comedians that it’s not proper comedy and storytellers that it’s not proper drama.

This one is a little more towards the storytelling end of the scale. It’s a bit darker, it’s considerably less fictional and it’s a bit less tested (Every Little Hope had three R&D performances before I got to touring).

About the filming

Like the last one, this clip is recorded on my own, in an entirely empty building – the room feels a little cold and soulless – it is cold (and it is) for both temperature and soulless because of the lack of any audience to bounce off.

It’s also not the final version – there’s a few changes that I might do if I perform it live – mostly tightening bits up so that we know another 5 – 10 mins out of it. Also worth saying, the filming is the first time I’d performed this version out loud, so it’s slightly ropier than I’d hope the final one is…

What next?

I’ve put the whole show below. Yes, all of it. As I said it’s not the final show, but it’s not a million miles off. If you want to watch it then you’re welcome – just drop me a line to tell me what you think afterwards. If you’re a venue/promotor/producer then scroll down to the bottom of the page and the touring/live details can be found there!

Watch the show

Venues Info

If you’re a venue and you’re interested in the show then you’ll probably like this next bit.

The deal is that there’s a guarantee of £100 vs 50% of the box office (ticket prices are max £5 each or Pay-What-You-Want) – that doesn’t include print or me doing advertising, but I’ll make sure you have a press release and some assets to help get people in – that does sound insane, but it’s because this isn’t my full-time job and I’m conscious that storytelling isn’t the easiest sell in the world.

If you want to do the show for free, in an odd space, or as a fundraiser for something I care about (the shortlist is foodbanks, youth programmes in theatres or anything that is morally good) then drop me a line, we can do something. I have very very low costs for this one so it’s nice and easy.

It’ll be tour-able from Feb to July. It needs a 4m x 4m space, good power sources, PA system – if you’ve got a projection screen then that’s handy…

Get in touch by clicking here.

That’s about it really. I’m writing something a bit more commercial at the moment too so will share that sometime!



